
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time review | PC Gamer - stankoades1944

Our Verdict

Crash 4 is the kind of retroactive throwback that actually earns its spot Eastern Samoa a heir to the original trilogy. In that location's the unpredictable bandicoot stumble, but IT's a tractable, precise platformer that looks as good as information technology plays.

PC Gamer Verdict

Crash 4 is the kinda retroactive atavist that actually earns its spot as a successor to the original trilogy. There's the occasional bandicoot stumble, but it's a responsive, precise platformer that looks as good as it plays.

Need to know

What is IT? A return to Crash's glory days (with a number to match).

Expect to pay £35/$40

Developer Toys For Bob

Publisher Activision

Reviewed on AMD Ryzen 7 1700X, Gigabyte RTX 2080 Super, 32Gb Aries the Ram

Multiplayer? 2-player offline

Connection Administrative body site

Everyone's favourite jorts supporter has exclusively recently turn a PC gaming convert, simply atomic number 2 hit the undercoat working and is looking better than ever. This is a gorgeous cartoon platformer that plays equal something out of the genre's Golden Age, just with some welcome quality of life improvements.

Jumping to Crash 4 from the N.Sane Trilogy works excellently, as it carries happening directly from the third game, Warped. The return of the classic numbering and time travel shenanigans feel like a thoughtfulness of developer Toys For Bob's mission statement: bring back classic Crash. Dimensions have been shattered, meaning that Crash and Coco—both play identically—need to run through unconventional takes happening real-biography historical settings, whol the while evoking the series' aureole days.

It's a great excuse to thrust our bandicoots into a diverse clump of themed stages. You've got information technology completely, from the standard beaches and jungles, to highjack ships, gaudy New Orleans swamps, and of course slippy ice flows (complete with the issue of the rideable ice bear). Most of the meter you're running away from the camera on beautiful linear paths—though equally you'd expect it changes to a side-on camera sometimes, and you'll have to run towards the projection screen for the odd chase sequence. There's a new default selection that gives you an easily readable shadow to realise jumping extra exculpated, while another ditches lives in favor tallying your deaths, which still feels penalising enough—and you'll get rewards for deathless runs.

(Image credit: Activision)


There are availableness improvements, but this is standing classical Crash, picking up the torch from the primary trilogy and evolving in a means that makes sense. This International Relations and Security Network't a distrustful nostalgia catch like Sonic 4. The big new additions here are the Quantum Masks, which have to be well to stop returning villains Doctor Modern Pallium and Doctor Nefarious Tropy from taking complete the multiverse. These give you the big businessman to activate glowing platforms, slow down time to jump out on fast-moving objects, fiddle with sombreness or pull off a spinning top super double rise. Thankfully, these are great, smart additions. Unlike traditional mightiness-ups like the returning Aku-Aku shield, the Quantum Masks are locked to sections of a phase, so every clip you use them it's in a bespoke, well-fashioned challenge.

Crash rocks the jorts of a shamed man for a reason, because some later platforming challenges testament provide your eyeballs spinning with rage. The exhilaration you spirit when you pull it sour, however, is like nothing else, and rarely is your inopportune demise hard to understand—though many hazards rump blur into the busy environments. Thanks to an uncapped framerate (I easily hovered around 100fps at a crisp 1440p), I'll begrudgingly admit that most of my deaths felt like my personal fault.

The biggest frustration is prickly Microcomputer DRM that requires you to always be online. Lose your connecter and it won't kick you from a even, just IT will deman a restart from the main game, which feels needless when there's atomic number 102 online functionality.

(Image credit: Activision)

Turning back the clock to re-conceptualise a Crash sequel has generally paid off, but retributory like approximately of the less-favoured original sequels, Crash 4 does include some more lacklustre additions. Our orange fiend has fallen for the inexplicable allure of attrition on rails, and it's not well implemented, peculiarly if you try to compile everything. The speed makes full-crate mop up on a stage displeasing, with even the smallest mistimed social control pic ruining your chances. It's irritating much challenging, with an annoying delay as you hop 'tween tracks, drop below them, operating room attend off and tilt to the side. The same goes for the slightly less obnoxious wall up-running.

Crowd Control

Too as being able to play Crash and Coco, alternate timeline levels let you take control of Tawna, Dingo Dile, and Neo Cortex. They still platform, smash crates, and collect gems as they rush to the end of the stage, but wealthy person their own gadgets that give neat mechanical twists. Tawna fits more tight to the style of the past bandicoots, though she too gets a hookshot to destroy crates from further away operating theater to make a new part of the level. Dingo sucks up crates with his big emptiness thing before shot them at foes, also hovering concluded gaps. The often-villainous Cortex zaps enemies into either solid or bouncy platforms, and for some reason headbutts his mode through the air horizontally. While Cerebral cortex's set about derriere feel a little fiddly, they're all surprisingly fun.

The trouble is the lack of levels for those characters. In that location are a handful of mandatory ones, just most are optional missions that take place within levels you've already cleared, letting you see them from a different perspective, only only for a specific section. Tawna's first level, where she's unlocked, is entirely her have, sending her grappling across plagiarist ships to rescue a captured Wreck and Coco. Play one of her optional missions, however, and you solely play equally her half of the time. You'll get to scarper through a new slice of the stage as Tawna, but yet her path will intersect with Clangoring and Coco's, at which point you have to swap characters. From on that point, you meet have to recreate through a much challenging portion of A level you've already completed. If you want to play with this trio of additional characters, then, you will have to retread old ground. It's debilitating.

Crash visiting New Orleans

(Ikon credit: Activision)

Information technology really doesn't need the padding—in that respect's already a wealthiness of challenges to complete, including alternative N.Verted versions of every stage in the game. These add visual gimmicks, like-minded one and only that only reveals the full outline of your surroundings via echolocation when you spin. On top of those, you have hidden Flashback dispute levels—bespoke crate busting marathons with a VHS filter, set off before Crash escaped in the first game—time trials, hidden gems, and the devious task of destroying all crate (which feels a tad /too/ masochistic in nearly stages, smooth compared to the freehand trilogy).

Sometimes it can personify a trifle too preventative, much in the way of life the series has always been, but often those challenges are ex gratia. You don't have to smash every crate. You don't have to make that cunning, soberness-defying leap just to hitch those extra wumpa fruit. You don't birth to trim few seconds off your best dash though a stage. But you want to, don't you? Just because it's there, and sometimes it sensible feels good to crash and burn.

Crash Bandicoot 4: IT's About Meter

Crash 4 is the kind of retro throwback that actually earns its spot as a successor to the original trilogy. At that place's the irregular bandicoot stagger, but it's a responsive, precise platformer that looks as good as it plays.


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