
How To Repair Damaged Scalp

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Does your pilus experience brittle and stiff? Dyeing, bleaching, straightening or blowing out your pilus a lot can damage it over time. These processes dry out your hair and get out it prone to breakage and split ends. Once your hair is damaged, the best fashion to restore it is to give it fourth dimension to grow back in healthy and strong. Use deep conditioning treatments to help bring back its luster, and be healthy from the inside out to promote the growth of new salubrious hair.

  1. 1

    Use harsh treatments in moderation. Many pop hair treatments strip the hair of its natural oils and damage the hair shaft. When yous're ready to restore your hair, it'll be very difficult to practice so unless you stop all treatments and let your hair render to its natural country. If you're used to relying on treatments to brand your hair expect the way you desire it to, yous may want to cull a few treatments that are the most of import to you and stop using all of the residuum. Here'southward what to avert:

    • Chemical hair dyes, either professional or from a box. If you love dyeing your hair, try a natural dye such as tea, which might actually aid to restore your hair instead of dissentious it.
    • Bleaching your pilus is never proficient for information technology. Stripping out the color in your hair does a lot of damage to the shaft, and can cause your hair to get brittle and break.[one]
    • Chemical straightening or curling, like a Brazilian blowout, relaxers, or a permanent. The chemicals that force straight hair to be curly or curly hair to exist directly and sleek do a lot of damage to your hair.
  2. ii

    Handle your hair gently when yous wash and dry information technology. Hair is a fragile material that needs to be handled with intendance, especially when it's wet. Wet pilus stretches and breaks hands, then information technology'southward of import to be gentle when you're washing and drying your hair. Recall of your hair as though it'due south a silk wearing apparel or a fine wool sweater. Y'all wouldn't roughly scrub it, wring it out rub it dry with a towel, right? Just like special fabrics, your hair should be handled with care.[ii]

    • When you lot wash your hair, massage your scalp with your fingertips and gently pull the shampoo through your pilus, rather than rubbing it vigorously. Do the aforementioned with conditioner.
    • Let your pilus drip dry for a few moments before gently squeezing out the backlog h2o with a microfiber towel or T-shirt. Avoid using a bathroom towel to dry out your hair every bit it may snag on the fibers, leading to breakage.


  3. 3

    Shampoo no more than than once or twice a week. The scalp produces a natural oil called sebum that protects the hair from drying out. When you wash your pilus likewise often, you wash away this oil before it has the run a risk to travel down the length of your pilus and provide protection. Washing your hair merely a few times a week will help your hair stay shiny and healthy.[3]

    • When you beginning stop washing your hair every day, your scalp will overproduce sebum, since it's used to your routine of washing it away every 24 hours. After a week or so things will balance out and your hair will no longer look greasy right away. If you have oily hair or peel, this process can have up to three or four months.
    • If yous're concerned about your roots looking greasy on the days in between washings, employ dry shampoo to clean things upward. You can buy a bottle of dry out shampoo or making your ain past just mixing 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1/2 tablespoon of blistering soda. Sprinkle it onto the greasy areas, let it sit for five minutes, then comb it out.[4]
  4. four

    Let your hair air dry out instead of using heat. This is a difficult dominion to follow for people who are used to using hair dryers and other rut styling tools to create the perfect look every day. When your goal is to restore your hair to practiced wellness, using heat is similar taking a step backward, every fourth dimension. Start letting your pilus air dry, and try to comprehend your natural await to give your hair the risk to heal.

    • Try putting in your styling products or combing your hair before yous let it air dry. You can even shape it into the desired look before it dries to assist with styling it.
    • If you feel you lot really must employ heat styling tools, use them on a low setting, and save it for special occasions. You can buy a thermal protector, which often comes as a cream or spray, to apply to your hair before you apply heat.
    • Since your hair might accept awhile to be completely restored, information technology may not look the manner you want it to at start. You might be tempted to fe out those frizzy curls or bring some life to limp, dry locks. It's worth it to concur out until your hair is healthy; you'll see the texture improve immensely if yous're patient.
  5. 5

    Castor your hair only when information technology'southward dry out. If you brush your hair while it'south wet, you can easily damage it. Piece of work out tangles with a broad-tooth comb. Gently work information technology through your pilus, starting about the tips and gradually working upward toward the roots until you're able to motility the comb through your hair without catching on a tangle. One time your pilus is fully dry, you can utilise a boar-bristle brush to smooth it out.[5]

    • Brushing with a plastic-bristled castor is very damaging to pilus, peculiarly when you lot endeavour to castor through tangles. You lot end upwards pulling out hairs and breaking them off mid-shaft.
    • If you lot have curly hair, avoid brushing it at all. Stick to using a broad-tooth comb.
  6. 6

    Avoid restrictive hairstyles. Certain styles pull on the hair and cause it to fray or suspension. Hair extensions and weaves are particularly bad for the hair. Whether they're sewn in or glued to your pilus, they inevitable result in damage (and in worst-case scenarios, bald spots). When y'all're working to restore your hair to health, it'due south best to completely avoid styles that are hard on the hair.


  1. 1

    Status your hair each time you shampoo. Shampoo is designed to cleanse your pilus, and conditioner to keep it hydrated, supple and shiny. When you condition your hair, place a dime or quarter-sized amount of conditioner in your palms. utilize it at the ends of your hair, and use your fingers to piece of work it up the length of your hair towards your roots. Focus on making sure the tips get special treatment, since they dry out out much more than rapidly than your roots. Rinse your pilus thoroughly when you're finished.

    • Don't utilize more conditioner than you demand to coat your hair lightly. Likewise much will weigh your hair down and make it wait greasy. If your ends are extremely dry, you tin add a little more than to that expanse, however.
    • For an actress sleeky terminate, rinse your hair using the coldest water you can stand. This volition crusade your hair shaft to lay flat and announced smoother and shinier than if yous use hot water.[6]
  2. 2

    Practise deep conditioning treatments one time each week. Deep conditioning treatments are designed to penetrate your hair to keep information technology hydrated all week long. Apply a tablespoon or so of deep conditioner to your hair and rummage it through. Outset well-nigh i inch from the roots and piece of work it downwardly to the tips. Then pile your hair on top of your caput and secure information technology with a clip, and comprehend it with a shower cap. Look at least an hour before shampooing it out of your hair.[7]

    • You tin purchase deep conditioning treatments from the store, or merely employ a household item like kokosnoot oil, almond oil or olive oil.
    • Don't deep status more than once a week, since doing it too often can actually damage your hair.
  3. 3

    Try a homemade hair mask. On days when your pilus looks limp, irksome, or frizzy, a hair mask tin can restore its squeamish texture and smoothen. Employ a hair mask after you moisture your hair in the shower, and shampoo information technology out at the terminate of your shower. Here are common household items that do wonders for damaged hair:[8]

    • For ho-hum hair: use a tablespoon of dearest or one egg white
    • For frizzy pilus: use one blended banana or avocado
    • For dry out hair: utilise a tablespoon of milk or yogurt
    • For combination hair: use a combination of any of the above ingredients
  4. 4

    Employ finishing oil or serum. Afterwards your pilus is dry, hair oil or serum serves to keep it from frizzing and protect information technology from the elements. Look for an anti-frizz serum or combination hair oil, and use your fingers to rummage just a few drops through your hair. If you don't desire to buy a special serum, use a little of one of the following oils:

    • Argan oil
    • Moroccan oil
    • Jojoba oil
    • Egg oil


  1. 1

    Massage your scalp. Massage promotes good circulation in the scalp, which helps your hair grown in good for you and strong. Make a addiction of massaging your scalp every mean solar day. Place your fingers on your scalp and rub it using a gentle circular motility. This has the added do good of helping to reduce stress and at-home headaches.[9]

    • Oil massages are even more helpful. Use kokosnoot oil, almond oil, jojoba oil or olive oil to gently massage your head in the shower, then shampoo your hair when you're finished.[10]
    • Some essential oils are said to help with hair growth. Try massaging with tea tree oil, egg oil, lavender or cedar wood oil.[11]
  2. ii

    Use natural hair products. Ingredients in your shampoo and conditioner may exist making your pilus damage worse instead of improve. Switch to all-natural shampoos and conditioners that nourish your hair instead of harshly cleansing it and weighing it down with unnecessary chemicals. Hither's what to look out for:

    • Go a sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfates are harsh cleansers used in everything from dish soap to laundry detergent, and they're too hard on damaged hair. Wait for shampoos that say "sulfate-free" and are made with natural cleansers.[12]
    • Get a silicone-free conditioner. Silicons are added to conditioner considering they make hair wait shiny and smoothen later on the first few applications. Nonetheless, over time they build upwards in your hair and cause it to look weighed-down and wearisome.[13]
  3. iii

    Be healthy from the inside out. Your daily habits can really touch the wellness of your hair. If you aren't eating a nutritious nutrition or getting enough water, your hair will definitely evidence information technology. Make a commitment to existence healthy inside and out by doing the post-obit:

    • Consume plenty of pilus-good for you foods that comprise poly peptide, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron. Try mixing starches and proteins for the best consequence. Salmon, sardines, avocados, nuts, and flaxseeds are all excellent for promoting salubrious hair growth.[xiv]
    • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of h2o. When y'all're dehydrated, your hair can end up getting dry and brittle.
    • Avoid smoking cigarettes. Smoke damage can make hair expect dull and dried out.
  4. 4

    Protect your hair from the elements. Merely like environmental factors like the dominicus or extremely common cold temperatures can affect your skin health, they can bear on your pilus health, besides. Protect your hair with a chapeau or a bandana when y'all're outside for long periods of time.[fifteen]

    • Protect yourself from puddle chemicals, besides. Wear a swim cap instead of submerging your hair in chlorine.[sixteen]
    • Even air pollution can affect your hair. If you often walk or bike well-nigh traffic, protect your pilus until you lot become to your destination.
    • Wear your pilus in protective styles like rolls and braids and then that information technology becomes less tangled and is exposed less to the elements.
  5. 5

    Go regular trims. As new, healthy pilus grows in, get regular trims to cutting abroad the old, damaged hair. Getting rid of split up ends volition requite you a fresh advent, and over time you'll be able to see a big departure.


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  • Question

    Can you grow damaged hair?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a pilus stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Respond

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    Yous can grow damaged hair, only it will be more difficult and prone to dryness and split ends. I would recommend cut off the harm before growing or at to the lowest degree getting regular trims during the grow-out.

  • Question

    How can I repair dry out, damaged pilus?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a pilus stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

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    You tin't repair damaged pilus, at least non permanently. Even so, using a weekly protein-based conditioner will add strength and using hydrating oils such as coconut and macadamia volition help with smooth and hydration. But be consistent in your application; the damage may appear to lessen, but information technology won't exist gone until y'all cut it off.

  • Question

    Can kokosnoot oil help repair damaged hair?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

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    Coconut oil won't repair damaged pilus, merely it volition add visible shine and class a protective bulwark that helps prevent boosted harm. Lighter than many other oils, it is suitable for all hair types.

  • Question

    Tin yous repair damaged hair follicles?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a pilus stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

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    Finasteride and minoxidil tin can stimulate follicles that have stopped producing pilus in about 10% of the population. Massage and stimulating oils such as tea tree are besides effective for some people. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed method.

  • Question

    My hair is and then soft, straight and bouncy before. But at present my hair's been ruined because of straightening and curling tools. Information technology became dry, frizzy, very limp. When I rummage my hair, I always end upwardly having lots and lots of hairfall. How will I restore and become my old hair back?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hair stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    If I cut my pilus and grow information technology back will information technology be healthy then?

    Laura Martin

    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a pilus stylist since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

    Laura Martin

    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    How can I hide damaged hair from being seen?

    Gina Almona

    Gina Almona is the Owner of Blo It Out, a New York City-based hair salon. With over twenty years of beauty training experience, Gina's work has been featured in People Magazine, Time Out New York, and Queens Scene. She has been able to keep a fresh perspective in the industry by demonstrating and participating in trade shows and workshops like the International Beauty Show. She received her cosmetology training from the Long Island Beauty School, Astoria.

    Gina Almona

    Professional Pilus Stylist

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    The best affair to practice would be to go to a salon and go a quick trim. If the damaged hair can't be hands covered with that, your stylist should exist able to help you figure out a haircut that works to hibernate the damage until salubrious pilus tin grow back.

  • Question

    How can I repair dead ends without getting a pilus cut?

    Community Answer

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to repair dead or dissever ends without a haircut. You tin temporarily mend split ends with a silicone-based split up cease mending serum, but it is non (and should non) be a permanent option. You can also make dry ends temporarily softer past putting a piffling bit of kokosnoot oil on them twice a calendar week.

  • Question

    What can I practise to aid my hair that is burnt and breaking from chemic straightening?

    Community Answer

    Coconut oil volition aid. Mix coconut and olive oil and utilise it to your hair, for around 5 hours, and do that every single week, non-finish. And stop the chemical straightening for adept.

  • Question

    How long does it have to restore pilus dyed for 1 month if u do all these tips?

    Community Answer

    It depends completely on your hair quality, how damaged your hair is and what kinds of products you used. If y'all are patient enough to not apply heat on your hair and let it air-dry, this will make a difference too. Damaged hair can never be fully recovered, especially if it has been bleached or heavily styled for many years, the only way to get actually healthy pilus is to permit it grow out without damaging information technology further. If yous closely follow all of these tips, you should run into a difference in your hair quality in ii weeks and it should be healthier once more by 6 months.

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  • When conditioning your hair, comb your hair from the roots to the tips, and so allow it set for 5-10 minutes. The length of time volition depend on how soft yous desire your hair to be. And then rinse most of the conditioner out remembering to leave some in, to lock in the wet.

  • Try to wear protective styles when yous know yous will be exposed to the elements.

  • Rinse your hair with cold water it helps seal the locks and go on in wet.

  • Wear your hair down every bit much as you can.

  • Don't use rut or dyes information technology will make it worse.

  • Some hair types, such as fine or curly pilus, are more prone to damage than others.


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Article Summary 10

To restore damaged hair, e'er handle information technology gently when it's wet and limit shampooing to one time per week. Try to avoid rut styling tools such as blow dryers, crimper irons, and straight irons, too as chemical treatments like dyes, bleach, perms, and relaxers to prevent further damage. Deep condition your hair weekly and become regular trims to remove carve up ends equally your new, salubrious hair grows in! For more tips on conditioning and using hair masks, read on!

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